Plan for more.

Giving Back

Free Estate Planning Clinics for First Responders

We provide education and free planning for the unique challenges and needs of first responders. We delve into the importance of having wills and trusts, designating powers of attorney, and health care documents. And we highlight real-life scenarios where estate planning made a critical difference for a first responder's family.

Financial Literacy Workshops for Youth

We partner with local schools, libraries, and community centers to organize workshops targeting young people. We cover essential topics like basic budgeting, the importance of saving, understanding credit, and the dangers of debt. We use engaging activities and real-world examples to make it relatable and fun!

Retirement Transition Classes

Does your company educate employees about retirement? If not, we can help. We dive deep into retirement savings, understanding pensions, Social Security benefits, healthcare cost, emotional and psychological readiness, and lifestyle, so you retire without regrets

Everything Else

We frequently donate Oath Plans to charity auctions! And we want to do more.

How can we help your group, club, or organization? Let us know your creative ideas!

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